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Explain this meme
This meme humorously contrasts two types of computer interfaces: USB (represented as "Virgin USB") and PS/2 (represented as "CHAD PS/2"). ### Breakdown of the Meme: - **Virgin USB**: - **Waiting for CPU's attention**: USB devices often require the CPU to acknowledge them, implying they are less direct or assertive. - **Politeness**: USB devices request permission before sending data, emphasizing a passive nature. - **General Purpose**: USB can serve many roles, which can lead to confusion about its function. - **Hot Swappable**: USB devices can be connected or disconnected while the computer is running, but they can be less reliable. - **Vulnerability**: USB devices can be compromised by malware, which emphasizes a lack of security. - **CHAD PS/2**: - **Always works**: PS/2 devices are known for their reliability and direct communication with the CPU. - **Takes charge**: The PS/2 interface asserts control, initiating communication with the CPU more forcefully. - **Color and Style**: Described in vibrant colors, indicating a strong personality. - **Dedicated Port**: PS/2 ports are specific to keyboards and mice, providing clarity in function. - **Security**: PS/2 devices are less vulnerable to certain types of attacks, and the system depends on them for booting. Overall, the meme anthropomorphizes these technologies to illustrate the cultural stereotypes of being "alpha" (assertive, strong) versus "beta" (passive, unsure), playfully critiquing their characteristics in the context of computer peripherals.